"Every moment of one's life, one is growing into more or retreating into less." - Norman Mailer

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Death is the 14th card of the Major Arcana and represents An Unavoidable Ending, Loss and Necessary Change. "Something is rotten. The expiration date has passed and the food has spoiled! You may be reluctant to throw it away, and you may try to convince yourself that a little mold never hurt anyone, but only a fool [haha] would dare eat food riddled with botulism. No matter how many preservatives are added, everything eventually goes stale. The Death card may seem grim, but its message is a positive one: This ending is necessary to make a fresh beginning and a tastier future."

I must first give a special nod to my friend, Will, who is horribly repulsed by mayonnaise. I of course immediately thought of him when I first set eyes on the Housewives' Tarot interpretation of the Death card. (I then thought of the movie Undercover Brother, in which there are many jokes about how white people love mayonnaise and put it on everything, whereas black people would almost rather die than eat it.)

Anyway, this card is especially apropos for me today as I struggle to understand and be understood by those most dear to me and change my way of thinking and acting. It is also appropriate because the semester is winding down; I'm preparing to write my last papers and take the last tests. I am glad to be ending the semester, but wistfully, because I have learned so much this semester and have been so stimulated. Furthermore, I am stepping down from my post as President of Honors Student Council and taking a backseat in the leadership car for next year's council. While I am glad to have much of the responsibility handed on to someone else, I have been reflecting on all that we've managed to do this year, in our fledgling year as a council. I am proud of all the things we've done; I think we've built a good foundation to expand upon next year, and I for one have certainly learned a LOT--what to do as well as what to avoid doing. And I'll continue learning.

So. I guess I should go study for my Biological Anthropology test now. Thanks for reading.

My metaphysical (and material) SONG of the Day: "By My Rocket Comes Fire" by Nick Harper

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