"Every moment of one's life, one is growing into more or retreating into less." - Norman Mailer

Friday, April 27, 2007


AGOTADO, AGOTADA, adj: exhausted. The base of 'agotada' is 'gota,' which means 'drop,' like drop of liquid. So 'agotada' kind of implies something in English like being 'completely squeezed dry,' or being 'down to the last drop,' or 'not one drop left.'

Well, this word is the picture perfect description of me today. I have written about 40 pages of final papers in the last 70 hours. I had another 12-15 page paper due today along with an annotated bibliography. I didn't manage to finish either, so I guess they'll just be late. Poo. I am frustrated with myself, but mostly I just want a break. So I'm taking that break now and posting another tarot card, which amuses me and makes me happy.

Judgment is the 21st card in the major Arcana, and represents Assessment, Acceptance and Harsh Criticism. "The time has come to weigh the facts--and yourself! Judgment is about abandoning bad habits and accepting yourself for who you really are. Don't be modest; take credit for all your good deeds and valuable traits. Shed the negative thoughts that weigh you down with their high-calorie burdens. True happiness is more about eliminating low self-esteem than losing those pesky five pounds."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog entry made my frickin' day!
Ditto on all of the above!