"Every moment of one's life, one is growing into more or retreating into less." - Norman Mailer

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hey, Motrin: you missed the mark

This new wave feminist, why-suffer-for-my-child, having-a-baby-is-such-a-drag, excuse for attention view of motherhood is just plain insulting, not to mention outmoded. 21st century moms are WAY beyond this prima donna shit.

Mothers don't want to be associated with selfishness, so they are not going to respond positively to an ad like this. Yes, we understand the importance of taking care of ourselves, too; but "What about me?" is not the cry of a responsible, loving adult. Motrin, back to the drawing board. You just flunked "Communicating on Moms' level 101."

Courtesy of the website Cotton Babies and my cousin, Molly. Thanks, lady!!!

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