"Every moment of one's life, one is growing into more or retreating into less." - Norman Mailer

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Lou Dobbs is a Cocksucker

Sorry for the strong language kids, but I just had to get that off my chest. What an effing m-effer.

I am sitting in the atrium of the Galt House waiting for James and working on my shizzle, and I happened to look up and my eye caught the television screen above the coffee bar (both now permanent fixtures in almost all public places in the US). And that fat fucking windbag was blowing his gasket about some shit or another on a split screen with Jesse Jackson. Thank GOD I cannot hear the t.v. from here. B A R F .

Hope all's well, kids. I've been an absentee from the blogosphere for reasons of work and thesis-writing. Wish me luck! I'll have something intelligent and/or high-larious to place here in the near future.

WATCH THIS SPACE. As the random sticker on the newspaper dispenser near campus said:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lou Dobbs isn't my favorite fellow, but I don't understand why he rates such venom. He wrote a book about how the middle class is under attack. He expresses dissatisfaction with the victimization of the poor. And . . . the reason I had to comment . . . I was just watching a 9/11 documentary entitled "The Ultimate Con" and there was a clip from CNN with Lou Dobbs responding to another reporter by saying, "Well, this government doesn't deserve much credibility, does it?"

Why is Lou Dobbs a cocksucker?