"Every moment of one's life, one is growing into more or retreating into less." - Norman Mailer

Friday, March 03, 2006

Signing On

Wow. Here's my very own first blog. Well. I had a mini-crisis of an identity nature in trying to decide on the name for my blogsite, but decided upon Barefoot and Married, since it reflects both my feeling of stuck-ness in some ways (typical college-age issues: what to do with mí misma?) as well as my status as a married but NOT pregnant, as the saying usually goes. But that's a whole other issue.

This juxtapostion in my life has been throwing me for a loop of late, and it just seemed appropriate to call my blog by this title. "Married," you see, implies a certain status: adulthood, responsibility, staticity of personality and congealedness of goals, etc. However, being "barefoot and pregnant" implies that one has gotten oneself into a predicament; one is taking on these adult identites ("parent") but is unprepared for them (implied by "barefoot"), either monetarily or in terms of emotional/spiritual maturation. Furthermore, I'm only married, not pregnant, which is, I think, a more serious or inexorable state of being. Right?

However, my lack of pregnancy has actually been a bit of a point of sadness for me of late (more on that later), and so to be in that more serious state of "pregnant" from simply "married"--upgraded from orange to red (haha) in the realm of womanhood--I would in many ways actually be happier, although it is a more ponderous way of being. Taking not only your own life into your hands but that of another, smaller, defenseless, new generation of yourself. Yikes. And yet, blissful.

More to come.

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