"Every moment of one's life, one is growing into more or retreating into less." - Norman Mailer

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I Want to Have Jon Stewart's Babies

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Jon Stewart? Despite his uncomfortable appearance as host of the Oscars last Sunday, I still find him enchanting. I especially like his young, cute Jewishy-ness in the college picture above. *sigh* And not that i'm on Face Book, but if I were, I would join my friend Elizabeth's group there called "I want to have Jon Stewart's babies." Yeeeah.....

In other news, I feel the need to explain the quote under my blog title. Firstly, I just wanted to give nods to Jane Austen. It's like Jamie Foxx said in his Oscars 2005 acceptance speech: (something along the lines of) "I see Oprah, and Halle.... I don't have anything else to say about y'all, just wanted to say your names, I see you sitting out there...." Yeah. So, not that Jamie Foxx is my cultural compass or anything, but I feel about Jane Austen the way he feels about Halle Berry and Oprah Winfrey: I just repsect and admire her so much, I try to give recognition whenever the opportunity presents itself. The quote itself is sort of a supplication to readers of the blog, I suppose. I am a young person, married, in an interesting situation, and so hopefully will be kindly spoken of. I implore the reader with this quote to indulge me as s/he reads.

Enough psycho-literary analysis for the day. Just wanted to report that today is lovely. It's going to rain, I'm wearing my great-grandmother's alligator shoes, I finished my Anthropology paper, I made plans for dinner double-date with Luke and Kelly (which I've been desiring to do for about a year now), I'm listening to Kajagoogoo and Kanye West on my iTunes, and I'm heading a meeting today. Although I'm not particpularly prepared for the meeting, I am excited to be starting an Honors Student Council. I am even more excited by the student interest in the Council. More to come on the progress there....

Must go study for my Spanish Conversation test at 1pm today. Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

If Jon Stewart and Jane Austen had a baby, she might be capable of solving many of the world's problems.

Clare said...

I concur. She would create world peace and be the matriarchal head of the shadow Jewish government which rules the world. Yay! Uh, I mean, what shadow government?