"Every moment of one's life, one is growing into more or retreating into less." - Norman Mailer

Friday, September 26, 2008

The "rif-raff" is coming: lock up your white women


So... not to be all "in-yer-face" about the "browning" of the United States, but you guys all do realize that Hispanic is the new Irish, right? People with origins in the Latin-American world are emigrating to the United States is big numbers. We all know this--and depending on our political leanings, we suggest different responses and experience different feelings. Well, during this Hispanic Heritage Month here in the good ol' USA, many interesting news bits are coming out which reflect this trend and suggest how to mould the influence of the influx of hispanic/latino immigrants. Here is an excerpt from a larger piece of news from castellano.org:

Destacó tres factores esenciales que confluyen en estos momentos en la celebración del mes de la Hispanidad, que se lleva a cabo del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre:

Un primer factor son los datos divulgados por la Oficina del Censo de Estados Unidos, que pronostican para 2042 la transformación del país en una nación de "minoría mayoritaria" en la que uno de cada tres ciudadanos estadounidenses será hispano.

Al vaticinio de que los grupos minoritarios -un tercio de la actual población del país- lleguen a ser mayoría en 2042 le sigue el "reconocimiento cada vez más arraigado de que el español es, de hecho, la segunda lengua del país" .

Otro elemento fundamental, al parecer de Piña-Rosales, es la "conciencia" creciente de la necesidad de "proteger y estandarizar" el uso del español en Estados Unidos.

Aludió a los cerca de 46 millones de hispanos que viven en Estados Unidos (sin contar los 4 millones de Puerto Rico) , un segmento que constituye el 15 por ciento de la población en este país y es además el de más rápido crecimiento. Según los pronósticos del Censo, los hispanos representarán el 25 por ciento de la población estadounidense para el 2050.


Three essential factors were highlighted that are coming together during this month of Hispanic Heritage celebration, running from September 15 to October 15:

A primary factor are the data from the US Census which expects that by 2042 the country will have become a "minority majority" nation en which 1 out of every 3 citizens will be hispanic.

The prediction that minority groups--currently one third of the US population--will end up be a majority in 2042 follows the "increasingly more entrenched recognition that Spanish is, in fact, the second language of the country."

Another fundamental element, it seems to Piña-Rosales [Geraldo Piña-Rosales, director of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE)], is the growing "consciousness" of the necessity to "protect and standardize" the use of Spanish in the United States.

He aluded to the almost 46 million hispanics living in the United States (not counting the 4 million in Puerto Rico), a segment which constitutes 15% of the population in this country and is besides the fastest growing group. According to Census projections, hispanics will represent 25% of the United States population by 2050.

Yee-haw! (Although I'm not sure what Piña-Rosales is implying with all this "standardization and protection" business. Sounds a bit ominous to me. So it goes with any massive language+nation project, however. Sigh.

Photo grabbed from the blog Grits for Breakfast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Muchas gracias por la informacion. Vivan las diferencias!