"Every moment of one's life, one is growing into more or retreating into less." - Norman Mailer

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Yes, it's Scarborough Country. And apparently his kid has Asperger's. So does RFK, Jr.'s kiddo--hence the video promoting the book he's just written about the link between the preservative and autism rates. I was sent this link from a subscription I have online to Brasscheck.com.

Thomas and I tend to put a fair amount of stock in this theory which accounts for the 1000% increase in autism from 1991 - 1996 and which accounts for two-thirds of the Kalb children's current state of health. The number of autism diagnoses is still on the rise: 1 in every 166 kids. I don't think that Thimerosal is the only culprit, however. Our entire, Koyaanisqaatsi lifestyle is taking its toll on the next generation. Ultrasounds, transfats, air and water pollution, fast food, genetic modification, plastics, nuclear power, oil... all these things contribute to our children's endangered health, our health, and the future of our kids and our world.

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