"Every moment of one's life, one is growing into more or retreating into less." - Norman Mailer

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Land of the Free?

I recently read this article on feministing.com about college date rape. It always hurts me afresh when I learn of specific instances when justice fails a woman seeking it, although I am able to keep such a disturbing reality at bay much of the time (not that I am proud of this). Perhaps the most disturbing thing about the article was found in the comments. Someone shared her own experience. It's outrageous. It follows, and the original article can be found by clicking the above link.
a few years ago, i was date raped at the college i was attending. they pulled similar shit! when my rape kit and police report weren't enough to get the guy on criminal charges (yah i learned that its pretty fucking hard to get your rapist arrested if he used a condom and claimed it was consensual, guess i just went through that hellish exam and trip to the ER and police station for kicks), i pursued the case within the college's own judicial system. they couldn't find him guilty of the assault for some bullshit reasons, but they did expel him based on his admitted drug use during the assault. problem is, to make it "fair" and "legit" for them to expel him, they also had to put on the record that they charged ME with drug use also. although i didn't get any true suspension/expulsion, i still got that shit put on my academic record. when i left the school, i refused to sign the paperwork for it, so they put a hold on my transcripts from there. I didn't really have the energy to fight it anymore, because I was sick of all the unfairness and defeat. I was also pretty scared that i'd be slut-shamed to death if i had fought any more or sought a civil case. I had had enough, and all i wanted was to get the hell out of there and get on with my life. Sometimes i get angry with myself for not fighting more, but i've recently come to accept that i really did do all that i could at the time. Damn this really boils my blood!

But we're all equal and free now, right?

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