"Every moment of one's life, one is growing into more or retreating into less." - Norman Mailer

Monday, February 02, 2009

GAZA and the US media filter

Can you please help spread the word about this?

A week ago Sunday CBS 60 Minutes aired an awesome story to millions of viewers exposing Israeli apartheid and mistreatment against Palestinians. This a rare narrative to find on American television.

CBS is now under attack by anti-Arab/anti-Muslim groups for showing the truth. We must praise CBS, the reporter and producer for their courage and encourage them to remain steadfast.

Please do the right thing, WATCH THE VIDEO (below) AND SEND A THANK YOU EMAIL TO CBS 60 MINUTES NOW.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH & SEND NOTE: http://tinyurl.com/dctzsk

It will take less than 30 seconds and 1-click.

Thank you. It means a lot.

Watch CBS Videos Online

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on, sister. I sent my message a few minutes ago.
